Where I am?

Writing. Had a breakthrough on the plot in my novel-in-progress so I’ve been doing that in my spare time lately instead of blogging.

I promise this will wear off soon tho! Although hopefully not until the entire first draft is in the can.


2 thoughts on “Where I am?

  1. Good for you. Writing SHOULD take priority. I, too, have had a couple of plot ideas that have got me wanting to slug out the next 20K words in a weekend. But I don’t/can’t write that way, so I guess it’ll just be a little every day and keep notes in the meantime so the ideas doen’t fly away in the night.

    Btw, squinting didn’t help. But thanks for the tip.


  2. ha ha ha, even as you’re complimenting me what was I doing? Writing a new blog post!


    But you know, blogging makes me feel “plugged in” which helps keep the creative juices flowing. So I doubt I’d ever give it up completely.

    How far are you in your WIP? I’m just past the 3/4 mark now, getting read to hit the Big Moment.

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