How they find me

I have access to a couple different website traffic statistics services through my hosting plan, and every once in awhile I scan the list of search phrases people have used to find this blog.

Some of them match up pretty well with topics I blog on a lot. I’ve had a lot of hits lately about novel length, for instance. Any time I blog about some news item, I get hits afterward for people who want either information about it, or, I suppose, to read someone else’s comments.

Then there are the phrases that . . . well, here’s a sample from June:

true identity miss snark

I get that one, or a variation on it, at least once a month. But sorry, folks, I’m as in the dark on that one as you are. Also, I kind of like not knowing, but that’s a subject for a whole ‘nother post.

skunks in my garage

Is someone checking my blog to see if he’s got skunks in his garage? If so, he’s taking the Information Age waaaaaaaaay too seriously.

opposite of advance

Uh, that would be “retreat.” Glad to help.

smelly viburnum bush pest

Possibly related to the skunks in your garage?

bottled butter

No, thanks.

how to kill ducks in your yard

Try getting them in a row, first.

polar plunge pic rochester

Not here, sorry, but if you find one send me a link and I’ll post it!