Pitch slam AND pitch clinic!

It’s big bonus time for writers!

Starting Monday, July 12, literary agent Kristin Nelson will be the guest at TWLAuthorTalks.

Not only will you be able to ask her questions about the writing biz, but she will also be critiquing one-sentence pitches, like Jenny Bent did this last week.

Don’t have a pitch? Not to worry! With TWLAuthorTalk owner Dorothy Thompson’s blessing, I started a spin-off Yahoo Forum, PitchClinic. Join up by following the link, and you can send along your pitch and other members will give you feedback and help you refine it.

This is a wonderful opportunity even if your novel isn’t ready to shop. Think about it: you have a chance to run your premise/concept and main conflict/story arc past one of the industry’s top agents. What better way to find out if you’re on track? What better way to find out if you’ve got a gem or need to rethink your novel’s basic elements?

See you there!