Spam relief!!!!

Although it never gets posted to my blog, because comments are moderated, the comment spam manure-pile has been growing a larger every week.

Several times a day I’ve had to go through my comment queue to manually sort out the spam from the legitimate comments.

That job should be easier now: I just installed the Akismet plug-in. It will automatically divert comments from URLs that have tried to post spam to my blog in the past.

It’s too bad that bloggers have to be plagued by these parasites. I love getting and reading comments, but I can understand why some bloggers don’t allow them . . . who has the time?

Ode to the Comment Spammer

How wearisome your shallow ploys,
Your flattery, your noise
You think to pass for comment.

Have you no job? No self-respect?
Do you spend your time with eyes half-closed
And cut and paste
And think your time be well-spent?

What am I to you?
Digested food you slither through,
I see you, pale worm, eyes half closed
(If eyes you have) in the lightless tract

And hell-bent

To make your daily pennies back.

Well you’re the fool.
There’s no one here.
No one to click your trickster links.
No one to make you clever as you think
you are.

No one to render time you waste to
Time well-spent.