Okay, 50,000 words . . .

Here I come.

I’m doing the National Novel Writing Month thing.

Here’s my situation. I have an idea for a novel. I have some quirky stuff that I love for the premise. I have some characters. I have, at a high level, the arc of the conflict.

But I haven’t been able to see what happens to these people. They are sitting there, static, staring at me like they expect me to, I dunno, serve them scallops wrapped in bacon or something.

I haven’t been too worried about this. I started querying for my last novel in June and I still have some agents reading full manuscripts; in the meantime, I’ve taken my fiction-writing hiatus as an opportunity to recharge.

But it’s time, now. Plus I get the cool icon for my sidebar.

Anyone else doing it? China, are you?

3 thoughts on “Okay, 50,000 words . . .

  1. Dang, K. If I had time to do THAT I’d have time to finish my current WIP and do a lot of editing and polishing. I’m envious of you doing it, though.

    And by the way, if you DO serve those scallops, partially microwave the bacon first or it will inevitably be limp and greasy when the scallops are done. (You’ve got me salivating thinking about them.)


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