More on plots

Not to be confused with moron plots. We’ll leave that topic for another day.

This past weekend, I picked up a copy of Monkey Love, Brenda Scott Royce, Feb. 2006, Penguin, given the face-up treatment royale on the “new releases” table at my local bookstore chain.

So I’m reading it (because why not have four or five books going at once?) and as I’ve been thinking about plotting, I notice that in the first chapter (19 pages) no less than four major plotlines are introduced: a girlfriend’s unplanned pregnancy; another girlfriend’s professional shennanigans; the protagonist’s preparation for an upcoming stand-up comedy gig; and the protagonist’s first encounter with he-who-will-emerge-as-the-love-interest.


1. Fast pacing? You betcha. You can’t have that much going on in under 20 pages without having . . . a lot going on.

2. Major interest grabation. Take your pick, there’s so much happening here, you’re bound to want to know how at least some of it works out.

3. Comedic effect. A caught-in-the-headlights straight man is a comedy staple. Plot breaking out right and left is a useful device for propelling a hapless protagonist toward that lite, happy ending nirvana we’re all rooting for-o.*


1. There’s a thin line between “madcap” and frenetic.

2. Pacing isn’t pacing unless it’s modulated from time to time. When the balance tips too far toward “hard plot” and too far away from the protagonists interior life, things start to feel downright speedy after awhile.

So what’s the answer. Dunno. But if the pendulum has swung toward “plot ’til you’re punch-drunk” (and I’m by no means sure it has btw — I have exactly one data point upon which to base this) I hereby Predict it will Swing Back.

*The “o” is so that I won’t be using a preposition to end that sentence with-o

5 thoughts on “More on plots

  1. *The “o” is so that I won’t be using a preposition to end that sentence with-o

    You’re TOO funny!

  2. I like that. “o,” huh? I’ll remember that next time I want to use a prep-o-sition with which to end my sentence-o. Thnaks for the tip-o. (Gee, this is habit-forming-o.)


  3. oooh, I’d be curious to hear your assessment after you’ve read more. ;)

    Also thrilled to hear the book got the “face-up treatment royale” at your B&N. All the stores I’ve seen it in so far have given it the ugly stepsister treatment (1-2 copies alpha by author, usually out of sight on a top shelf)!

    –Brenda Scott Royce (who landed here by shamelessly googling my own name)

  4. Hi, Brenda, thanks for stopping by!

    Googling our own names — isn’t that why Google was invented???

    Of course, in my case, 9/10s of the hits are Scandanavian sites . . .

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