Blue Meanies Attack in Massachusetts

Okay, this might seem contradictory, since I’ve blogged about how horrified I am that parents don’t feed their kids more nutritious food.

But banning fluffernutter sandwiches????

First of all, the “nutter” part of the sandwich is peanut butter, which is a source of protein, B vitamins, calcium, and Vitamin E. Granted, the fluff is empty calories, but how is it any worse than jelly?

Put the thing on whole wheat bread, sure. But ban it?

How is a fluffernutter sandwich any worse than the other crap they hand out from school cafeterias? Mac and cheese (white macaroni glopped with processed cheese food stuff)? Chicken finger (breaded deep fried chicken scraps)? “Pizza pockets” ( more white bread with a bit of ketchup and five molecules of cheese inside)?

I swear, they must hand out stupid pills to legislators right after election night.

This is also a terrific example of why you can’t rely on government to sort out issues that require focused, case-by-case, parental decisions. Sometimes you have to sugar things a bit to get kids to eat them. I dress up cooked carrots with sugar sometimes, to get my daughter to eat them. I use sweetened salad dressings to make green salads appeal to her.

I also favor keeping soda vending machines out of schools (especially at the grade school level). There’s no redeeming value to soda, except as an occasional treat.

But banning fluffernutter — that’s just silly. Do-good idiocy run amuck.