Okay, excuse me while I flip out — but I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen one of these guys — then this afternoon, didn’t I walk out my back door and see a Pileated Woodpecker working the bark of a tree, right here in the ‘burbs!
If you’ve never seen one — you know right away it’s a Pileated because they’re BIG. Crow size. Of course, if you can get a close enough look you will also see the “woody woodpecker” red crest like shows up in this pic.

I wish my pics had come out clearer. I actually got quite close, but he was on the shady side of the tree so the clarity isn’t the best . . .
For most of the time I watched him, he was working one particular crack in the tree. This pic shows how they use their tails to brace themselves. He’s twisted his head around to try to work something out from under the bark. Late lunch :-)
Here’s one more that I didn’t crop as much so you can see more what he looked like when I first noticed him.
Pileated Woodpeckers need a habitat with mature forest and lots of deadwood. Must be there’s enough of the stuff he likes in Brighton . . . I sure hope so, would love to see this fellow again sometime!