Musing Mondays, Cannot Tell a Lie

Musing Mondays from Should be ReadingToday’s Musing Mondays prompt:

Other than for school, do you read books to learn how to do something? What was/were the topic(s)?

There are a several types of how-to books I read from time to time.

I sometimes pick up books on writing. The most recent standout is Michael Moorcock: Death is No Obstacle, which is a transcript of an interview of Moorcock by Colin Greenland. It’s an opportunity to spend some time with a writer who truly “gets it,” a real gem of a book.

I sometimes read books on marketing and PR. In this category I recommend Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port, a great book for anyone who sells services or intangibles.

I also read books on consciousness/metaphysics which, loosely speaking, might qualify as how-to books. But since I have yet to, yanno, actually bend a spoon with my mind or something I hesitate to recommend any of them. But I’ll be sure to update this post the SECOND I succeed :-D

Thanks for stopping by! And if you need ideas for your To Be Read pile, please check out my novels in the sidebar.