Need to light a fire under your PC?

Here you go! Via Carrie Patrick, November is National Novel Writing Month. Hooray!

According to the How it Works page, all you need to do “to win” is sign up and write 50,000 words between November 1 and November 30. Then you email the completed draft to them to verify word count and get your “winner” web certificate. According to the FAQs, your novel is deleted unread. In case you’re wondering where copies of your work-in-progress might show up: nowhere, unless you want them to.

Cool idea, eh? And check out the FAQs to see a list of novels begun as NaNoWriMo projects that were later published.

I’m seriously thinking of jumping in with a novel idea I’m noodling but haven’t committed to word processor yet. I mean, the participation icons alone make it worthwhile, dontcha think?

3 thoughts on “Need to light a fire under your PC?

  1. You should go for it. The way I figure it, with NaNoWriMo, you’ve only spent a month of your life working on something. If your MS turns out unsalable, or the plot falls apart, or you decide you hate it, it’s not a big deal because you haven’t wasted too much time.

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