NaNoWriMo Day 5

Well. I switched novels. Had to. I had a premise with idea #1 but I couldn’t come up with a grabby plot. Premise #2 is one I’d kicked around a couple of years ago and remembered it the other night. There’s a bit more meat to this idea so hopefully will be easier get some traction.

But I’m behind and the troubles in my personal life haven’t helped matters much — 400 words is all I’ve managed so far. On the other hand, given my schedule & the fact that I also have a lot of writing to do for my day job I have to cut myself some slack. And truthfully, I’d be pleased even if I came up with only half the 50K NaNoWriMo quota by Nov. 30. Not that I’ve given up yet!!! Grrrrr. We’ll see what happens.

[tags] writing, National Novel Writing Month [/tags]

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Day 5

  1. Don’t feel too bad–I’m desperately behind, myself. The way I see it, the most important thing is being productive, whether you actually hit the fifty thousand words goal or not.

  2. LOL


    Really, I’d be shocked to do it. But the exercise is getting me focused and I know I’ll feel good at the end of the month :-)

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