My patio table. That’s a full-size patio table, not one of those wimpy bistro things.
Snowfall around here was below average in December — waaaay below (total precip was something like 3 or 4 inches, average is 21) but we’re making up for it now.
The Democrat and Chronicle says we passed average snowfall for January last week — and get this — thanks to the jetstream and the Great Lakes snowmaking machine, we could get as much as three more inches a day for the foreseeable future . . .
Yet some people gripe because of a little mud on the golf course!!!
O-KAY! Get over it! We all have our crosses to bear. Yours just happens to involve living indoors 4-5 momths out of the year. (Grin).
Vote for me!
(See my blog for details)
Snow muffins!