Lit fight! Lit fight!

Via novelist Lauren Baratz-Logsted, The Huffington Post has published two bits by Rachel Sklar on the dueling anthologies This is Not Chick Lit and This is Chick Lit. Baratz-Logsted has a piece in the latter.

The “not chick lit” HuffPo piece is here. The “is chick lit” piece is here.

If you haven’t had a peek at this debate, the second post in particular will catch you up nicely. Hint: the divide is deep, and writers who think the genre is beneath them really, really hate it.

(And in case you didn’t catch this when I first linked it a couple months ago, see also this post at 2Blowhards: a transcription of a talk by writer Richard Wheeler on the divide between literary and genre fiction.)

4 thoughts on “Lit fight! Lit fight!

  1. Thanks for covering us! FYI, it’s Rachel Pine who has a piece in This Is Chick-Lit. Rachel Sklaar introduced Rachel Pine’s comments, as well as Elizabeth Merrick’s, in the HuffPo. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, I know – we have a plethora of Rachels! :)

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