London pictures :-)

I’m home!

I took over 400 photos!

This is the beauty of digital photography. Out of that many, I’m bound to have a handful that are at least in focus :-)

The photo fun didn’t start until Tuesday however. That’s because before leaving for the trip, I carefully charged both of my two camera batteries — but failed to execute the next step, which is to put at least one of the charged batteries back into the camera. So although we did some sightseeing Monday the 12th, walking from our hotel (the Radisson Edwardian in Grafton) to Trafalgar Square , then wandering for an hour or so through the National Portrait Gallery, I got no photos. Ahem.

Starting making up for it the next day however.

British Museum exterior

We began with the British Museum, repository of art and cultural artifacts collected by the Brits, including, of course, the Elgin marbles.

elgin marbles

I also took a couple pics of the museum’s famous library and reading room.

British Museum reading room

Spent the rest of that day walking around. One of the things that struck me was the way so many streets are curved, and faced by buildings contoured to match.

curved buildings

My Gracious Host made sure to steer me past this.

Curiosity Shop

And we ended up by another landmark.

me by Big Ben

By then I was suffering from my only major planning error — much worse than the camera battery snag — I didn’t choose the right shoes. Actually, the right shoes don’t exist, but that’s a rant and this isn’t a rant post. In any case, by the end of the week I’d given up, bought a pair of sneakers, boxed up my oh-so-stylish boots and loafers and had sent them home by post. In the meantime, my Gracious Host was kind enough to give me lots of pub breaks, and that night found us a Greek restaurant not far from the hotel for our dinner. Thanks, Gracious Host!

Back with more soon :-)

6 thoughts on “London pictures :-)

  1. LOL


    Aren’t you glad my blog can’t invite you to my house and then announce you now have to sit through a 400-picture slide show?


  2. Welcome back, Kirsten! I’m enjoying the pictures and would love to sit on your sofa and look at all 400!

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