Chunka chunka great big asteroid

Scientists didn’t think it was possible to find pieces of large asteroids that have struck the Earth’s surface.

When a large impactor strikes the Earth, a colossal amount of heat is produced; and the asteroid material is believed to vaporise or fuse with the surrounding rocks. A 10-km-diameter impactor is thought to generate temperatures of between 1,700-14,000C.

But as reported by the BBC, chunks of asteroid have been discovered in a 145 million-year-old, 100 mile-wide crater in Africa.

1 thought on “Chunka chunka great big asteroid

  1. In the article is this sentence: “It meant, he said, that computer models of large impacts might now need to be revised, to take into account conditions where some of the asteroid material endures.”


    My point: We base so much of current scientific theory (involving everything from Medical Science to Environmental research to weather patterns) on these wonderful “computer models.” Then, gee, we learn that the models don’t include ALL the data. (Who’da thunk it!?) So we revide the models and AGAIN claim to accurately predict (or legislate, or whatever) because we have these great computer models.

    We (mankind) have SO much to learn.


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