No, these are not rattlesnakes. They are garter snakes. But you get the idea.
Dream a couple nights ago.
Rattlesnake infestation.
But I was handling it, in typical “made sense at the time” dream logic: I was picking them up (no, not with my hands! with a stick!) and . . . putting them into books.
Large, thick books, they were, with the pages partially scooped out in the middle. Plenty heavy enough to contain a rattlesnake.
And as it happens, I’m editing Loose Dog — and one of the things I’m doing is fleshing out a couple of the characters a bit more.
Which means I’m making them more human.
Which means I’m showing a bit more of how slithery they can be.
Get into the book, you slithery character, you ;-)
Incidentally, I’m also working on the plotting.
I can show that here without the use of random nature photos, because I use stickies to help me visualize the relationship between plots and subplots.
Here’s what the book looked like a couple weeks ago.
I’d front-loaded the backstory about my protag’s relationship with her ex-fiance (blue stickies on the left). Decided that didn’t work — gave away too much too early.
Another weakness in the plot was that too much of my main counterplot (protag breaks up a dog fighting ring) was clumped at the end (orange stickies on the far right).
Here’s how it looks now.
More slither.
Plot a bit more mixed up.
Progress, I think . . .