The croissant diet.

No. Really!
So there’s this guy Brad Marshall … (who I believe lives in Upstate or Central New York) (already a huge plus in his favor, of course).
He’s a science guy and a foodie guy. From his bio: genetics degree from Cornell University. Culinary Certificate from The French Culinary Institute.
He got interested in how our mitochondria handle fats.
You can read all about this here on his website, Fire in a Bottle.
Here’s my probably scientifically sloppy if not outright erroneous short version: the type of fats we eat affect signaling by the mitochondria in our cells. Eat saturated fats (butter!) and the signal says “burn fat.” Eat polyunsaturated fats (vegetable oil :p) and the readout says “store fat.”
Seriously, go to this guy’s site and read. I started here, Introduction to the Croissant Diet.
(Subtitle: OR: How I eliminated my spare tire by eating croissants using the six scariest words in the english language: saturated fat, insulin resistance and free radicals. lol)
Warning: when you click you will find yourself surrounded by a ton of science and chemistry. Not being a scientist, I had to read everything 2-3x before it started to fully come alive in my brain.
But wow, it makes so much sense.
And now I have a holiday project. Taking a break from the olive and avocado oil. Hello butter and MCT oil.
Not gonna change anything else. Not going to worry about the carbs.
Full disclosure. If you ran into me in the street & looked me up & down, you’d never think “overweight.” But I have had a tendency my whole life to put on weight, esp belly fat. Keto and intermittent fasting keeps it under control. But I’m always looking for new hacks …
Plus this is going to fun. And delicious.
Who’s with me? :D