Love that word of mouth, too

It’s a thrill when the dog training book I co-wrote gets a mention in the press, of course, but I also love when someone says something like this, which I just found in a dog training forum (Terry Ryan is the trainer I teamed up with to write Outwitting Dogs):

I second Sandra on the Terry Ryan book, i just bought it and im hooked.

It’s hard to assign a value to writing quality, and it happens that Terry (her website is here) is a gifted and experienced dog trainer; there’s no question that the enthusiasm shown by people who read it are in large part due to the quality of the content. The lady knows what she’s doing when it comes to dogs!

But I like to think that my contribution — in terms of the organization, clarity of the writing, and tone of the book — are playing a part in the book’s success as well ;-)

/end shameless self-promotion

2 thoughts on “Love that word of mouth, too

  1. By all means, continue to think it! What keeps me coming back to your blog is, indeed, the “clarity of writing,” the organization, and the breadth and scope of the ideas, articles and concepts you write about.

    We’ve all read (or tried to read) articles by great minds about fascinating topics, but the writing itself made it impossible to really get into.

    That’s one reason I’m anticipating your golf blog. I know it will be a good read.

    John (Yeah, OK, I’m a fan. Please forgive the possibly over-the-top gushiness.)

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